Sochař J. V. Schwarz

type of document: podřazený dokument
parent document: Svobodné slovo
imprint date: 1981/06/25
year's volume: 37
number: 148
number of page: 1
page: 5
language: český

s. 5

Sochař J. V. Schwarz

person born note
Kráslová Marie 12. 9. 1901 šifra kr

Sochař J. V. Schwarz

person born note
Schwarz Josef 19. 6. 1908  

Sochař J. V. Schwarz

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1981/06/17 - 1981/07/12   Josef Václav Schwarz: Plastiky, kresby, Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i. (ÚTIA), Praha

Sochař J. V. Schwarz

  institution, city, signature, notes  
  A 134078