Complexity and Contradiction in Central European Radical Architecture

subtitle: Experiments in Art and Architecture in the 1970s

type of document: podřazený dokument
parent document: Umění / Art
imprint date: 2015
year's volume: 63
number: 3
number of page: 22
the number of reproductions: 13
page: 182-203
language: anglický

Complexity and Contradiction in Central European Radical Architecture

person born note
Gáyor Tibor 1929  
Jankovič Jozef 8. 11. 1937  
Kantor Tadeusz 6. 4. 1915  
Knížák Milan 19. 4. 1940  
Maurer Dóra 11. 6. 1937  
Mlynárčik Alex 14. 10. 1934  
Rosołowicz Jerzy 14. 2. 1928  

Complexity and Contradiction in Central European Radical Architecture

VAL (Voies et Aspectes du Lendemain - Cesty a aspekty zítřka)