Groupe Guma Guar: T.A.Z. mania (after czechtekk)

type of document: pozvánka kolektivní
imprint date: 2005
number of page: (2)
the number of reproductions: 1 b
dimensions [mm]: 150 x 150
language: anglický, český

Groupe Guma Guar: T.A.Z. mania (after czechtekk)


Groupe Guma Guar: T.A.Z. mania (after czechtekk)

Guma Guar (Groupe Guma Guar)

Groupe Guma Guar: T.A.Z. mania (after czechtekk)

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2005/09/21 - 2005/11/11   Groupe Guma Guar: T.A.Z.mania (after czechtekk), Centrum pro současné umění Futura, Praha

Groupe Guma Guar: T.A.Z. mania (after czechtekk)

  institution, city, signature, notes  
  K 22933