A Comparsion between the early work of Bill Brandt and Robert Frank

type of document: bakalářská práce
imprint date: 1998

Uvedeno v přehledu závěrečných teoretických prací absolventů katedry fotografie FAMU Praha, 1964 - 2006 ve sborníku Historická fotografie 2007.

A Comparsion between the early work of Bill Brandt and Robert Frank

person born note
Soli Espen 1973  

A Comparsion between the early work of Bill Brandt and Robert Frank

person born note
Brandt Bill 3. 4. 1904  
Frank Robert 9. 11. 1924  

A Comparsion between the early work of Bill Brandt and Robert Frank

key word
historie fotografie

A Comparsion between the early work of Bill Brandt and Robert Frank

  institution, city, signature, notes  
  Akademie múzických umění, Filmová a televizní fakulta, Praha