Radka Müllerová: Kabuki star

type: autorská
place of exhibition: Galerie Raketa
date of exhibition: 2004/03/24 - 2004/04/23

Radka Müllerová: Kabuki star

person born
Kypastová Müllerová Radka 7. 1. 1974

Radka Müllerová: Kabuki star

institution, city, address
Galerie Raketa, Ústí nad Labem (Ústí nad Labem), Velká Hradební 15

Radka Müllerová: Kabuki star

person born
Mráziková Husáková Eva 27. 3. 1976

Radka Müllerová: Kabuki star

pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle)
  2004   Radka Müllerová: Kabuki star