Chemistry Gallery: No Drama

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Delegation of Prague to the EU (Pražský dům)
date of exhibition: 2021/10/12 - 2021/11/22

Chemistry Gallery: No Drama

person born
Hlavsová Kvita Pavlína 1988
Janská Adéla 16. 8. 1981
Josefy Alžběta 3. 5. 1984
Knetlová Sabina 25. 4. 1996
Kolářová Markéta 12. 10. 1993
Limbourg Laura 21. 8. 1996
Mikudová Barbora 1992
Roztočilová Staňková Magdaléna 13. 5. 1989
Ryšavá Nikola 1990
Vardanyan Annemari 18. 8. 1994

Chemistry Gallery: No Drama

institution, city, address
Delegation of Prague to the EU (Pražský dům), Brusel (Brussels), Avenue Palmerston 16
The Chemistry Gallery, Praha 7, Ovenecká 17

Chemistry Gallery: No Drama

person born
Hájek Petr  
Hřib Zdeněk 21. 5. 1981
Třeštíková Hana 21. 3. 1982

Chemistry Gallery: No Drama

person born
Hájek Petr