Poezija vsakdana: Češka povojna avantgardna fotografija

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Photon - Center za sodobno fotografijo
date of exhibition: 2020/09/04 - 2020/10/23

Poetry of Everyday: Czech Post-war Avantgarde Photography

Tendencies in fine art photography of the 1960s in Czech photography – DOFO Group; surrealism, structuralism, concretism and optical art.

One of the first post-war photographic groups in Czechoslovakia was the DOFO Olomouc Photographers Group (1958-75). The group applied numerous pre-Second World War Bauhaus experimental techniques, and the photographs reflected the subjective feelings of the creators as expressive, structural and often hallucinatory images. The impact of the group's creations – with their gravity, relevance, and quality – went beyond national borders and contributed to the wider European art scene. The actual exhibition also presents some important predecessors and companions of this group.

Poezija vsakdana: Češka povojna avantgardna fotografija

person born
Gribovský Antonín 29. 6. 1933
Hajn Jan 17. 10. 1923
Kohoutek Jaromír 4. 8. 1905
Kytka Rupert 8. 2. 1910
Medková Emila 19. 11. 1928
Postupa Ladislav 21. 9. 1929
Přeček Ivo 12. 9. 1935
Reichmann Vilém 25. 4. 1908

Poezija vsakdana: Češka povojna avantgardna fotografija

institution, city, address
Photon - Center za sodobno fotografijo, Lublaň (Ljubljana), Trg prekomorskih brigad 1

Poezija vsakdana: Češka povojna avantgardna fotografija

person born
Bieleszová Müllerová Štěpánka 28. 9. 1971

Poezija vsakdana: Češka povojna avantgardna fotografija

group, *creation, notes
DOFO, *1958