Le Corbusier and the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo (国立西洋美術館開館50周年記念事業 ル・コルビュジエと国立西洋美術館)

type: autorská
place of exhibition: National Museum of Western Art (国立西洋美術館)
date of exhibition: 2009/06/04 - 2009/08/30

Le Corbusier and the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo (国立西洋美術館開館50周年記念事業 ル・コルビュジエと国立西洋美術館)

person   born
Le Corbusier   6. 10. 1887    

Le Corbusier and the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo (国立西洋美術館開館50周年記念事業 ル・コルビュジエと国立西洋美術館)

institution, city, address
National Museum of Western Art (国立西洋美術館), Tokio (Tokyo), 7-7 Ueno-koen, Taito-ku