8th National Ceramic Conference - International Ceramic Workshops

type: konference
place of exhibition: Canberra School of Art
date of exhibition: 1996/07/05 - 1996/07/09

další místa konání: Australian National University

8th National Ceramic Conference - International Ceramic Workshops

person born
Bayer Svend  
Brandt-Hansen Elina 15. 6. 1955
Britton Alison 4. 5. 1948
Chalke John  
Inoue Shunichi 1946
Malicka­­­-Zamorska Anna 8. 3. 1942
Mansfield Janet 19. 8. 1934
Matsumoto Hideo  
McCall Archie  
Olsen Fred  
Peterson Susan  
Teschendorff John 1942
Venables Prue  
Viková Jindra 2. 2. 1946

8th National Ceramic Conference - International Ceramic Workshops

pozvánka kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  1996   8th National Ceramic Conference - International Ceramic Workshops
  published   title (subtitle)
  1996   8th National Ceramic Conference Canberra 1996 (International Connections)