Pavel Vošický: Patton je gentleman / Patton is a Gentleman

type: autorská
place of exhibition: Knihovna Libri prohibiti
date of exhibition: 2016/09/22 - 2016

program vernisáže: Jazzová improvizace Mikoláš Chadima

Pavel Vošický: Patton je gentleman / Patton is a Gentleman

person born
Vošický Pavel 11. 5. 1939

Pavel Vošický: Patton je gentleman / Patton is a Gentleman

institution, city, address
Knihovna Libri prohibiti, Praha, Senovážné náměstí 2

Pavel Vošický: Patton je gentleman / Patton is a Gentleman

person born
Volková Kateřina 22. 7. 1957

Pavel Vošický: Patton je gentleman / Patton is a Gentleman

person born
Bartoň David 1975
Šlajchrt Viktor 30. 4. 1952

Pavel Vošický: Patton je gentleman / Patton is a Gentleman

pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle)
  2016   Pavel Vošický: Patton je gentleman / Patton is a Gentleman