Biennale Gherdëina 7: – a breath? a name? – the ways of worldmaking

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Ortisei
date of exhibition: 2020/08/08 - 2020/10/20

Další výtvarníci: Brave New Alps, Petrit Halilaj a Alvaro Urbano, Ingrid Hora, Hans Josephsohn, Lang a Baumann, Myfanwy MacLeod, Antje Majewski, Alioune Diouf, Cecilia Edefalk, Pawel Freisler, Gregor Prugger, Franz Josef Noflaner, Nicolas Party, Stefan Rinck, Hermann Josef Runggaldier

Biennale Gherdëina 7: – a breath? a name? – the ways of worldmaking

person born
Althamer Paweł 12. 5. 1967
Auad Tonico 1968
Brzeżańska Agnieszka 1972
Büchler Pavel 13. 6. 1952
Bunga Carlos 1976
Dabernig Josef 1956
Demetz Aron  
Håkansson Henrik 1968
Icaro Paolo 1936
Lemsalu Kris 1985
Lockhart Sharon 1964
Maloberti Marcello 1966
Olowska Paulina 1976
Papadimitriou Maria 10. 10. 1957
Senatore Mirenella 1977
Šourková (Habima Fuchs) Astrid 1977
Varga Weisz Paloma 1966

Biennale Gherdëina 7: – a breath? a name? – the ways of worldmaking

person born
Budak Adam 1966

Biennale Gherdëina 7: – a breath? a name? – the ways of worldmaking

informační leták / informace kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  2020   Biennale Gherdëina 7