Future Systems

type: architektonické studio
city: Londýn (London)
state: Spojené království (United Kingdom)

Future Systems

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1990/05/21   Future Systems, Národní technické muzeum, Praha

Future Systems

pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle)
  1990   Future systems

Future Systems

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle)
  2010   Jan Kaplický: Vlastní cestou / His own Way (16/4 - 2/8/2010)
  published   title (subtitle)
  1997   Hauer-King House / Future Systems (Martin Pawley / Architecture in Detail)
  2001   Unique Building (Lord's Media Centre)
podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle)
  1987   Architects in space (Introduction 1)
  1987   Architects in space Introduction 2 (Kaplicky and Nixon are optimistically involved...)
  1987   Architects in space Introduction 3 (Kaplicky and Nixon are practical, visionary architects)
  2001   Jan Kaplický - Future Forward
  2010   Czech Architecture at the Turn of the Millenium

Future Systems

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1987/01/14 - 1987/02/14   Future Systems, Architectural Association, Londýn (London)

Future Systems

person born note
Harris Dominic   ???? - ????
Levete Amanda 17. 11. 1955 1989 - ????
Miller D.   ???? - ????
Miller David 1965 1995 - ????
Pond A.   ???? - ????
Pond Angus 1968 1994 - ????
Stevenson Rachel   ???? - ????

Future Systems

podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle)
  2010   Vážení čtenáři... / Dear readers...