Joseph Fine Art Gallery

type: galerie
city: Praha
address: Týnská 21
zip code: 110 00
state: Česká republika (Czech Republic)

Joseph Fine Art Gallery

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
???? - ????   Petra Tonder, Joseph Fine Art Gallery, Praha
2012/05/10 - 2012/05/24   Olga Ardovskaya: Scrap Art, Joseph Fine Art Gallery, Praha

Joseph Fine Art Gallery

date of exhibition   exhibition title
???? - ????   Petra Tonder
2012/05/10 - 2012/05/24   Olga Ardovskaya: Scrap Art

Joseph Fine Art Gallery

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle)
  2012   Olga Ardovskaya: Scrap Art
  nedatováno   Olga Ardovskaya
pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle)
  2012   Olga Ardovskaya: Scrap Art
  nedatováno   Olga Ardovskaya
informační leták / informace kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  nedatováno   Joseph Fine Art Gallery (Sergey Degrun)
  nedatováno   Joseph Fine Art Gallery (Jeanne Sementsova, Viktor Zhuk, Marina Zobova)