Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyen

Photographer, Video Artist, Instalation Artist


sex: female

web: www.jacquelinehoangnguyen.com
VIAF: 2452341

NKP ne 2022/10

Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyen

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2019/10/25 - 2019/12/08   Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyen: Čierny Atlas, Spoločnosť Júliusa Kollera / Július Koller Society, Bratislava (Bratislava)

Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyen

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2019   Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyen: Čierny Atlas / Black Atlas, Spoločnosť Júliusa Kollera / Július Koller Society, Bratislava (Bratislava)