zdroj: https://www.google.com/search?q=plamen+dejanoff&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZoYXmwOnjAhXSa1AKHefuCHIQ_AUIESgB&biw=1920&bih=888#imgrc=H7x3L7XX0CsMbM:

Plamen Dejanoff

* 1970, Sofie (Sofia), Bulharsko (Bulgaria)


sex: male

NK-2019/08 ne
žije a tvoří v Berlíně a Vídni

Plamen Dejanoff

zdroj: https://www.google.com/search?q=plamen+dejanoff&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZoYXmwOnjAhXSa1AKHefuCHIQ_AUIESgB&biw=1920&bih=888#imgrc=H7x3L7XX0CsMbM:

Plamen Dejanoff

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2006/03/17 - 2006/05/21   Plamen Dejanoff: Planets of Comparison, MUMOK - Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vídeň (Wien)
2010/09/28 - 2011/02/27   Plamen Dejanoff: Heads & Tails, MAK - Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst, Vídeň (Wien)
2015/09/26 - 2015/10/26   Plamen Dejanoff: Foundation Requirements, 21er Haus (Belvedere 21), Vídeň (Wien)
2015/10/30 - 2015/11/29   Plamen Dejanoff: Plamen. Literatur kunst leben, 21er Haus (Belvedere 21), Vídeň (Wien)
date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1999/10/16 - 2000/01/16   After the Wall: Art and Culture in post-Comunist Europe, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2000/06/15 - 2000/08/27   After the Wall: Art and Culture in post-Comunist Europek, Ludwig Múzeum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapešť (Budapest)
2003/06/27 - 2003/08/24   Prague Biennale 1: Pheripheries become the center/ Pražské bienále 1: Periferie se stávají centrem, Veletržní palác, Praha
2016/06/11 - 2016/09/18   Manifesta 11: What People Do For Money, Curych, Curych (Zürich)
2022/09/09 - 2022/11/12   Café del Mar, Gabriele Senn Galerie, Vídeň (Wien)

Plamen Dejanoff

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2015   Plamen: Literatur, Kunst, Leben, Belvedere (Österreichische Galerie Belvedere), Vídeň (Wien)
katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1999   After the Wall (Art and Culture in post-Comunist Europe), Moderna Museet, Stockholm
  2003   Prague Biennale 1 (Peripheries Become the Center), Giancarlo Politi Editore SRL, Milán (Milano)
podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2011   Plamen Dejanoff, Ateliér, čtrnáctideník současného výtvarného umění, 24.ročník, 4.číslo, 9
pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2006   Plamen Dejanoff: Planets of Comparison

Plamen Dejanoff

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2015   Plamen: Literatur, Kunst, Leben, Belvedere (Österreichische Galerie Belvedere), Vídeň (Wien)

Plamen Dejanoff

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2015   Plamen: Literatur, Kunst, Leben, Belvedere (Österreichische Galerie Belvedere), Vídeň (Wien)