zdroj: http://static.art-magazin.de/bilder/f4/b7/27977/facebook_image/schneede1-ar.jpg

Uwe M. Schneede

* 3. 1. 1939, Neumünster, Německo (Germany)
Curator, Art Historian


nationality: German
sex: male

NK AUT: jn20000604925
VIAF: 76406615

Uwe M. Schneede

zdroj: http://static.art-magazin.de/bilder/f4/b7/27977/facebook_image/schneede1-ar.jpg

Uwe M. Schneede

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1993   Joseph Beuys, Kunsthaus Zürich, Curych (Zürich)
  1995   Egon Schiele (Die Sammlung Leopold), DuMont Buchverlag, Kolín nad Rýnem (Köln)
  2009   Max Beckmann: Obrazy, kresby a grafiky / Paintings, Drawings and Graphic Works, Museum Kampa - Nadace Jana a Medy Mládkových, Praha
katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1985   German Art in the 20th Century (Painting and Sculpture 1905 - 1985), Royal Academy of Arts, Londýn (London)
  1986   Deutsche Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert (Malerei und Plastik 1905-1985), Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart
  2012   Im Farbenrausch (Munch, Matisse und die Expressionisten), Museum Folkwang, Essen

Uwe M. Schneede

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2003/05/23 - 2003/08/24   Stephan von Huene: Tune the World: Die Retrospektive, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburk (Hamburg)
2003/10/24 - 2004/02/01   Lyonel Feininger: Menschenbilder, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburk (Hamburg)

Uwe M. Schneede

podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1969   E. Paolozzi, Výtvarná práce, 8