New Publications

type of document: podřazený dokument
parent document: Grapheion
imprint date: 1997
number of page: 2
the number of reproductions: 3
dimensions [mm]: 297 x 210
page: 180-181
language: anglický

Art and Decoration in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. The Influence of Continental Prints 1558-1625 - Anthony Wells-Cole;
The English Print 1688-1802 - Timothy Clayton; Min iature or the Art of Limning: Edward Norgate; Engraved on Steel. The history of picture production using steel plates - Basil Hunnisett; British Watercolours from the Oppé Collection - Ann Lyle and Robin Hamlyn; Treasures from the Italian Libraries - Lorenzo Crinelli; Whistler and Holland - J.F. Heibroek and M. F. MacDonald; The Paper museum of Cassiana dal Pozzo - D. Freedberg and E. Baldini;
The Ilustrated Beatus III. The 10th and 11th Centuries - John Williams; Oldřich Kuljánek. Drawings and Prints 1964 / 1996 by Eva Petrová

New Publications

person born note
Kulhánek Oldřich 26. 2. 1940  

New Publications

person born note
Petrová Eva 2. 12. 1928