Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge

type of document: informační leták / informace autorská
imprint date: 2010
number of page: (6)
the number of reproductions: 1 b
portrait photography: 1 čb
dimensions [mm]: 210 x 100
language: anglický, slovenský

Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge


Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge

person born note
Mojžiš Juraj 10. 4. 1938  

Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge

person born note
Jankovič Jozef 8. 11. 1937  

Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2010/09/04 - 2010/11/28   Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge, Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava (Bratislava)

Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge

institution, city
Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava (Bratislava)

Jozef Jankovič: Svedectvo na okraji / Testimony on the edge

  institution, city, signature, notes  
  A 205992
  G 205992, Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava