Flash Art

subtitle: The Leading European Art Magazine

type of document: periodikum
imprint date: 1986
number: 130
number of page: 108, (28), obálka
dimensions [mm]: 265 x 205
language: anglický, francouzský

Flash Art


Flash Art

institution, city
Giancarlo Politi Editore SRL, Milán (Milano)

Flash Art

page from - to   author of the text   title, subtitle
98 - 100   Drahos Tom   Boutin, Drahos, Gauvin
98 - 100   Boutin Christophe   Boutin, Drahos, Gauvin
98 - 100   Gauvin Alain   Boutin, Drahos, Gauvin
98 - 100   Grout Catherine   Boutin, Drahos, Gauvin
105       Jiri Kolar, Maeght Lelong