Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986
type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp – M HKA)
date of exhibition: 2012/01/20 - 2012/04/29
Další vystavující: Jef Cornelis, René Heyvaert, Guy Mees
Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986
person | born |
Andre Carl | 16. 9. 1935 |
Baldessari John | 7. 6. 1931 |
Boetti Alighiero | 16. 12. 1940 |
Boezem Marinus | 28. 1. 1934 |
Broodthaers Marcel | 28. 1. 1924 |
Brouwn Stanley | 25. 6. 1935 |
Burgin Victor | 24. 7. 1941 |
Byars James | 10. 4. 1932 |
Cadere André | 20. 5. 1934 |
Fabro Luciano | 10. 11. 1936 |
Flavin Dan | 1. 4. 1933 |
Fontana Lucio | 19. 2. 1899 |
Gego | 1. 8. 1912 |
Haacke Hans | 12. 8. 1936 |
Holzer Jenny | 29. 7. 1950 |
Immendorff Jörg | 14. 6. 1945 |
Indiana Robert | 13. 8. 1928 |
Judd Donald | 3. 6. 1928 |
Kawara On | 24. 12. 1932 |
Kiefer Anselm | 8. 3. 1945 |
Klein Yves | 28. 4. 1928 |
Manzoni Piero | 13. 7. 1933 |
Meireles Cildo | 1948 |
Merz Mario | 1. 1. 1925 |
Merz Marisa | 23. 5. 1926 |
Nauman Bruce | 6. 12. 1941 |
Pistoletto Michalengelo | 23. 6. 1933 |
Polke Sigmar | 13. 2. 1941 |
Richter Gerhard | 19. 2. 1932 |
Rosler Martha | 29. 7. 1943 |
Ruscha Edward | 16. 12. 1937 |
Schoonhoven Jan | 26. 6. 1914 |
Spero Nancy | 24. 8. 1926 |
Stella Frank | 12. 5. 1936 |
Van Hoeydonck Paul | 8. 10. 1925 |
Vasarely Victor | 9. 4. 1908 |
Vries Herman de | 11. 7. 1931 |
Warhol Andy | 6. 8. 1928 |
Weiner Lawrence | 10. 2. 1942 |
Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986
institution, city, address |
Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp – M HKA), Antverpy (Antwerpen), Leuvenstraat 32 |
Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Bilderdijklaan 10 |
Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986
person | born |
De Baere Bart | |
Esche Charles | 1962 |
Kreuger Anders | |
Thije Steven ten | 1980 |
Vree Jan de |