I Had a Dog and a Cat

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Georg Kargl Fine Arts
date of exhibition: 2022/09/09 - 2022/10/15

Další vystavující: Kazuna Taguchi
Kurátorka: Hana Ostan Ožbolt

I Had a Dog and a Cat

person born
Fesl David 1995
Fogarasi Andreas 1977
Ladik Katalin 25. 10. 1942
Lehocká Denisa 28. 1. 1971
Maljković David 1973
Pyl Josse 1991
Smith Michael 1977

I Had a Dog and a Cat

institution, city, address
Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vídeň (Wien), Schleifmühlgasse 5