Labyrinth: Visions and Interpretations of the Eternal Myth in Contemporary Printmaking

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Standard Bank Gallery
date of exhibition: 1999/03/17 - 1999/04/30

Labyrinth: Visions and Interpretations of the Eternal Myth in Contemporary Printmaking

person born
Kulhánek Oldřich 26. 2. 1940
Vičar Jan 9. 4. 1967

Labyrinth: Visions and Interpretations of the Eternal Myth in Contemporary Printmaking

institution, city, address
Standard Bank Gallery, Johannesburg, Simmonds and Frederick Street

Labyrinth: Visions and Interpretations of the Eternal Myth in Contemporary Printmaking

person born
Hošková Simeona 13. 3. 1945

Labyrinth: Visions and Interpretations of the Eternal Myth in Contemporary Printmaking

pozvánka kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  1999   Labyrinth: Visions and Interpretations of the Eternal Myth in Contemporary Printmaking