Bromance in Ruins

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Galerie U Betlémské kaple
date of exhibition: 2024/05/03 - 2024/06/02

Bromance in Ruins

person born
Basjuk Ondřej 31. 5. 1983
Bátorek Ján 1989
Matyska Pavel 5. 1. 1977

Bromance in Ruins

institution, city, address
Galerie U Betlémské kaple, Praha, Betlémské nám. 8

Bromance in Ruins

person born
Basjuk Koudelová Šárka 26. 2. 1987

Bromance in Ruins

person born
Basjuk Koudelová Šárka 26. 2. 1987

Bromance in Ruins

pozvánka kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  2024   Bromance in Ruins