All the Beauties of the World

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Nová galerie
date of exhibition: 2017/03/10 - 2017/03/31

vernisáž 9. 3. v 19 h

All the Beauties of the World

person born
Horálek Vojtěch 14. 6. 1983
Nader Mark  
Sláviková Ivana 26. 9. 1981
Šárová Jana 2. 10. 1988
Volfová Marika 1995

All the Beauties of the World

institution, city, address
Nová galerie, Praha, Balbínova 26

All the Beauties of the World

pozvánka kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  2017   All the Beauties of the World