The Signing

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Keith Talent Gallery
date of exhibition: 2006/11/10 - 2006/12/10

The Signing

person born
Atkinson Terry 1939
Benn 19. 4. 1905
Beuys Joseph 12. 5. 1921
Büchler Pavel 13. 6. 1952
Greenall Mickey  
Harris Peter  
Hiller Susan 7. 3. 1942
Howell Anthony 4. 1945
Manzoni Piero 13. 7. 1933
Miró Joan 20. 4. 1893
Smith Bob and Roberta 1963
Templeton Fiona 1951
Toren Amikam 1945
Turk Gavin 1967
Webb Gary 1973
Wilkins John 1951

The Signing

institution, city, address
Keith Talent Gallery, Londýn (London), Tudor Road 2 - 4

The Signing

pozvánka kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  nedat.   The Signing