Čchiu Š-chua: Krajiny / Qiu Shi-hua: Landscape

type: autorská
place of exhibition: Galerie Rudolfinum
date of exhibition: 2000/03/16 - 2000/06/18

zahájení 15. 3. 2000 v 18 hodin

Čchiu Š-chua: Krajiny / Qiu Shi-hua: Landscape

person born
Čchiu Š-chua (Qui Shi-hua) 1940

Čchiu Š-chua: Krajiny / Qiu Shi-hua: Landscape

institution, city, address
Galerie Rudolfinum, Praha, Alšovo nábřeží 12
Hanart, TZ Gallery, Hongkong (Hong Kong), 2/F Henley Building, 5 Queen's Road Cemtral

Čchiu Š-chua: Krajiny / Qiu Shi-hua: Landscape

person born
Nedoma Petr 5. 4. 1951

Čchiu Š-chua: Krajiny / Qiu Shi-hua: Landscape

pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle)
  2000   Čchiu Š-chua: Krajiny / Qiu Shi-hua: Landscape (Malba na hranici viditelnosti / Painting on the Edge of Visibility)