Hommage à Marián Varga

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum
date of exhibition: 2022/10/29 - 2023/01/29

Hommage à Marián Varga

institution, city, address
Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava (Bratislava), Bratislava, Čunovo, Vodné dielo

Hommage à Marián Varga

person born
Marenčin Martin 21. 10. 1956
Ondzik Jozef 22. 7. 1964
Polakovič Vincent 19. 11. 1958
Vargová Jana  

Hommage à Marián Varga

podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle)
  2023   Pocta Mariánu Vargovi a fotografii k tomu