5+1 artworks from Hauch Storage

type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: Hauch Gallery
date of exhibition: 2015/09/15 - 2015/09/27

5+1 artworks from Hauch Storage


5+1 artworks from Hauch Storage

person born
Dokoupil Jiří (Georg) 3. 6. 1954
Matějů Jiří 17. 6. 1960
Pastrňák Petr 17. 2. 1962
Písařík Petr 21. 11. 1968
Šimera Evžen 16. 4. 1980
Špaňhel Jakub 7. 11. 1976

5+1 artworks from Hauch Storage

institution, city, address
Hauch Gallery, Praha 8, Pobřežní 20a, Praha-Karlín