Hidden Beauty
type: kolektivní
place of exhibition: z2o Sara Zanin Gallery
date of exhibition: 2018/03/24 - 2018/05/19
Fota výstavy: http://www.z2ogalleria.it/exhibitions/hidden-beauty/
Hidden Beauty
person | born |
Hulačová Anna | 4. 7. 1984 |
Kintera Krištof | 20. 9. 1973 |
Sceranková Pavla | 24. 2. 1980 |
Wiesner Richard | 11. 6. 1976 |
Hidden Beauty
institution, city, address |
z2o Sara Zanin Gallery, Řím (Roma), Via della Vetrina, 21 |
Hidden Beauty
person | born |
Dacci Marina | |
Kintera Krištof | 20. 9. 1973 |