Vavro Oravec: Malíř duše / A Painter of Soul
type: autorská
place of exhibition: Španělská synagoga
date of exhibition: 2001/01/18 - 2001/04/30
zahájení 17.1.2001 v 17.00 modlitebna v 1.patře
Vavro Oravec: Malíř duše / A Painter of Soul
person | born |
Oravec Vavro | 22. 6. 1915 |
Vavro Oravec: Malíř duše / A Painter of Soul
institution, city, address |
Židovské muzeum v Praze, Praha, U Staré školy 1,3 |
Vavro Oravec: Malíř duše / A Painter of Soul
person | born |
Pařík Arno | 10. 1. 1948 |
Vavro Oravec: Malíř duše / A Painter of Soul
person | born |
Pařík Arno | 10. 1. 1948 |
Vavro Oravec: Malíř duše / A Painter of Soul
pozvánka autorská | ||
published | title (subtitle) | |
2001 | Vavro Oravec: Malíř duše / A Painter of Soul |