
place of birth: Châteauneuf-de-Gadagne
birth year: 1854

The Félibrige is a literary and cultural association founded by Frédéric Mistral and other Provençal writers to defend and promote the Provençal language and Provençal literature.

It was founded on 21 May 1854 in Châteauneuf-de-Gadagne (Vaucluse), by Frédéric Mistral, Joseph Roumanille, Théodore Aubanel, Jean Brunet, Paul Giéra, Anselme Mathieu and Alphonse Tavan. Charles Maurras was in his teens a follower of this movement.

The word félibrige is derived from félibre, a Provençal word meaning pupil or follower.

Félibrige now promotes Occitan culture.



person   born from - to, notes
Bouška Sigismund   25. 8. 1867     1891 - ????, zahraniční člen