Art & Language

place of birth: Londýn (London)
birth year: 1967

Terry Atkinson
David Bainbridge
Kathryn Bigelow
Ian Burn
Sarah Charlesworth
Michael Corris
Preston Heller
Graham Howard
Harold Hurrell
Joseph Kosuth
Christine Kozlov
Nigel Lendon
Andrew Menard
Philip Pilkington
Neil Powell
David Rushton
Terry Smith
Mayo Thompson

Art & Language

person born note
Atkinson Terry 1939 1968 - ????
Bainbridge David 1941 1968 - ????
Baldwin Michael 19. 1. 1945 1968 - ????
Burn Ian 29. 12. 1939 ???? - ????
Corris Michael 14. 8. 1948 ???? - ????
Harrison Charles 11. 2. 1942 1970 - ????
Hurrell Harold 1940 1968 - ????
Kosuth Joseph 31. 1. 1945 ???? - ????
Menard Andrew   ???? - ????
Ramsden Mel 1944 1970 - ????
Smith Terry 1944 ???? - ????

Art & Language

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  1987   Současné tendence: Britské malířství a sochařství osmdesátých let
  1997   documenta x - the book (Poleitics)
  1997   Magie der Zahl in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts
  2016   Art in Europe 1945-1968: Facing the Future
podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle)
  1997   Zahl und Sprache