
place of birth: Varšava (Warszawa)
birth year: 1971
death year: 1987


person born note
Kulik Zofia 14. 9. 1947 1971 - 1987
Kwiek Przemysław 1945 1971 - 1987


katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  1977   Projects / Performances (Czechoslovakia / Poland)
  1999   Body and the East (From the 1960s to the Present)
  2000   Arteast 2000+ (Umetnost Vzhodne Evrope v dialogu z Zahodom – Od 1960. let do danes / The Art of Eastern Europe in Dialogue with the West – From the 1960s to the Present)
  2001   The Art of Eastern Europe (A Selection of Works for the International and National Collections of Moderna galerija Ljubljana)
  2007   Documenta 12
  2017   Kontakt: The Art Collection of Erste Group and ERSTE Foundation
  2018   Wer war 1968?
  published   title (subtitle)
  2017   Performance art in Eastern Europe since 1960
  2018   Networking the Bloc (Experimental Art in Eastern Europe 1965-1981)
  2020   Central and Eastern European Art Since 1950
  2020   Medialisierte Körper (Performances und Aktionen der Neoavantgarden Ostmitteleuropas in den 1970er Jahren)
podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle)
  2011   Archiv umelca - paralelná inštitúcia alebo prostriedok seba-historizácie?
  2019   The Artist's Archive - A Parallel Institution or a Medium of Self-Historisation?
informační leták / informace kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  2018   Wer war 1968? (Kunst, Architektur, Gesellschaft)


date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1977/11/04 - 1977/11/30   Projects / Performances: Czechoslovakia / Poland, Hallwalls Gallery, Buffalo (New York)
1998/07/07 - 1998/09/27   Body and the East: Od šestdesetih let do danes / From the 1960s to the Present, Moderna galerija, Lublaň (Ljubljana)
2000/06/24 - 2000/09/24   2000+ Arteast Collection: Umetnost vzhodne Evrope v dialogu z zahodom od 1960. Let do danes, MG + MSUM - Moderna galerija plus Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Lublaň (Ljubljana)
2001/11/14 - 2001/11/21   Arteast 2000+: The Art of Eastern Europe. A Selection of Works for the International and National Collections of Moderna galerija Ljubljana, Orangerie Congress, Innsbruck
2012/01/21 - 2012/04/29   Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections, 1956–1986 / 6 Europese collecties, 1956–+í86, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
2012/05/14 - 2012/10/02   Museo de las narrativas paralelas. En el marco de La Internacional / Museu de les narratives paral·leles. En el marc de La Internacional / Museum of Parallel Narratives. In the framework of L'Internationale, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona
2014/01/24 - 2014/04/13   Report on the Construction of a Spaceship Module, New Museum (The New Museum of Contemporary Art), New York City (New York)
2018/09/28 - 2019/01/13   Wer war 1968? Kunst, Architektur, Gesellschaft, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Linec (Linz)
2019/07/12 - 2019/10/06   Orient2, Dom umenia / Kunsthalle Bratislava (Slovenské centrum vizuálnych umení), Bratislava (Bratislava)
2019/09/27 - 2019/10/27   Orient V, Colloredo-Mansfeldský palác, Praha