Nagyatádi Nemzetközi Faszobrász Alkotótelep - Szoborpark / International Wood Carver Artist Compound of Nagyatád - Statue Park

city: Nagyatád
zip code: 7500
state: Maďarsko (Hungary)


The first creative season was started on 1st June 1975 in the International Wood-Carving Creative Establishment in Nagyatád.
Quotation from the Deed of Foundation: “The Creative Establishment and Symposium provides good chance to the Hungarian and international sculptors for developing their art activities; for cooperating with each others and for discussion between artists and public educational experts… Invitation is a request at the same time to carve a wood sculpture of big size that needs a large out space, harmonizes with the landscape and can be placed at the open-air exhibition.”
Foundation of the creative establishment was initiated by János Hamvas the then president of the local council in Nagyatád and promoted by Attila Rumi an artist-teacher, István Bors sculptor, István Bencsik sculptor and other helpful inhabitants in Nagyatád.
Up till 1988 sculptors from Hungary and various countries came here every summer and increased the open-air collection of the Sculpture Park. After 1988 creative season was organised when the financial means made it possible. Now Local Self-Government of Nagyatád provides the conditions to maintain the Sculpture Park and applications called by Ministry of National Cultural Inheritance provide the conditions to organise the creative seasons. Cultural House in Nagyatád is responsible to manage the affairs of the creative establishment and to provide the conditions required for creative activity.
We greet those being interested in the home page of Sculpture Park and invite you to Nagyatád the “City of the Sculptures” where the open-air sculpture collection is available and can be seen every day of the year.
We ask the sculptors who acted at the Creative Wood-Carving Establishment in Nagyatád and are ready to extend our home page by introducing their own activity please send us the relevant information recorded on either CD or floppy disc to the above address.
Művelődési Ház
Baross Gábor u. 2.

Nagyatádi Nemzetközi Faszobrász Alkotótelep - Szoborpark / International Wood Carver Artist Compound of Nagyatád - Statue Park

person   born
Janouch Ladislav   14. 6. 1944