zdroj: http://www.zonafestival.ro/images/pintilie.jpg

Ileana Pintilie

Art Historian, Critic


nationality: Romanian
sex: female

NKP ne 2019

Ileana Pintilie

zdroj: http://www.zonafestival.ro/images/pintilie.jpg

Ileana Pintilie

from - to   school, city, faculty, specialization, professor
???? - 1979   Universitatea Națională de Arte București (Bucharest National University of Arts) / Institutul de Arte Plastice „Nicolae Grigorescu”, Bukurešť (Bucureşti)

Ileana Pintilie

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1999   Body and the East (From the 1960s to the Present), Moderna galerija, Lublaň (Ljubljana)
  2001   The Art of Eastern Europe (A Selection of Works for the International and National Collections of Moderna galerija Ljubljana), Folio Verlag, Vídeň (Wien)
  2006   Grenzgänger - Crossing Frontiers - Határátlépések, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Řezno (Regensburg)
  2011   Body world (Traveling the Distance between Subject and Object), Editura UNArte
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2020   Performance Art in the Second Public Sphere (Event-based Art in Late Socialist Europe), Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group Ltd), Abingdon