Gábor Kristóf

* 1988, Košice (Košice), Slovensko (Slovakia)


nationality: Hungarian
sex: male

web: kristofgabor.hu
NK AUT: xx0235496
VIAF: 4155951796842512828

Gábor Kristóf

from - to   school, city, faculty, specialization, professor
2008 - 2014   Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem (Hungarian University of Fine Arts), Budapešť (Budapest), malba
2011 - ????   Chelsea College of Art and Design, Londýn (London)

Gábor Kristóf

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2019/02/15 - 2019/03/21   Gábor Kristóf: Prach na polici, Galerie Kabinet T., Zlín (Zlín)
2021/02/20 - 2021/03/28   Gábor Kristóf: Picnic on the Driving Range, Galéria Schemnitz, Banská Štiavnica (Banská Štiavnica)
date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2013/12/06 - 2014/03/02   Transcending Cultures: Essl Art Award CEE 2013, Essl Museum - Kunst der Gegenwart (Sammlung Essl), Klosterneuburg
2018/09/15 - 2018/11/24   7. sympozium Litomyšl: Where Do We Go from Here, Galerie Miroslava Kubíka, Litomyšl (Svitavy)

Gábor Kristóf

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2013   Transcending Cultures (Essl Art Award CEE 2013), Essl Museum - Kunst der Gegenwart (Sammlung Essl), Klosterneuburg
  2019   Where Do We Go From Here (7. sympozium Litomyšl / 7th Litomyšl symposium), Galerie Miroslava Kubíka, Litomyšl (Svitavy)