Ioana Bătrânu

* 1960, Unirea, Rumunsko (Romania)
Graphic Artist


sex: female

VIAF: 308717643

Ioana Bătrânu

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1995/09/02 - 1995/11/26   Beyond Belief: Contemporary Art from East Central Europe, The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago (Illinois)
1996/02/06 - 1996/03/24   Beyond Belief: Contemporary Art from East Central Europe, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin (Ohio)
1996/09/06 - 1996/11/02   Beyond Belief: Contemporary Art from East Central Europe, Institute of Contemporary Art, Filadelfie (Philadelphia)
1997/02/01 - 1997/04/06   Beyond Belief: Contemporary Art from East Central Europe, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha (Nebraska)
2023/06/09 - 2023/09/11   Ztraceni v nadcházejícím okamžiku: Sbírka Ovidia Sandora (Cesty sběratelství), Kunsthalle Praha, Praha

Ioana Bătrânu

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1995   Beyond Belief (Contemporary Art from East Central Europe), The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago (Illinois)
  2023   Ztraceni v nadcházejícím okamžiku / Lost in the Moment That Follows (Sbírka Ovidia Şandora / The Ovidiu Şandor Collection), Kunsthalle Praha, Praha
informační leták / informace kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2023   Lost in the Moment That Follows (Cesty sběratelství: Sbírka Ovidia Şandora), Kunsthalle Praha, Praha