Antolij Shuravlev

* 1963, Moskva (Moscow), Rusko (Russian Fedaration)
sculptor, Photographer, Instalation Artist


nationality: Russian
sex: male

NKP ne 2014/08

Antolij Shuravlev

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1999/10/16 - 2000/01/16   After the Wall: Art and Culture in post-Comunist Europe, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2000/06/15 - 2000/08/27   After the Wall: Art and Culture in post-Comunist Europek, Ludwig Múzeum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapešť (Budapest)
2007/04/27 - 2007/06/10   Konzept: Fotografie / Concept: Photography - Dialogues & Attitudes, Ludwig Múzeum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapešť (Budapest)

Antolij Shuravlev

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1999   After the Wall (Art and Culture in post-Comunist Europe), Moderna Museet, Stockholm
  2007   Konzept: Fotografie - Dialogues & Attitudes (Aus der Sammlung der DZ Bank / From the Collection of the DZ Bank), Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern