Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford

type: muzeum
city: Oxford
address: 30 Pembroke Street
zip code: OX1 1BP
state: Spojené království (United Kingdom)

birth year: 1965

1965-2002 název The Museum of Modern Art, Oxford
od 2000 název Modern Art Oxford

Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1982/10/10 - 1982/11/28   Jan Svoboda: Fotografie, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
1987/06/19 - 1987/08/09   Současné tendence: Britské malířství a sochařství osmdesátých let, Městská knihovna Praha, Praha
1990   Devětsil. The Czech Avant-Garde Art, Architecture and Design of the 1920s and the 1930s, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
1994/11/07 - 1994/01/09   Gary Hill: In Light of the Other, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
1998/04/05 - 1998/06/28   Mona Hatoum, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
1998/10/24   Mitja Tušek, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
2009/12/12 - 2010/03/07   Pawel Althamer: Common Task, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
2010/06/22 - 2010/09/05   Howard Hodgkin: Time and place, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
2010/12/10 - 2011/02/20   Thomas Houseago: What Went Down, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
2011/03/12 - 2011/05/20   Roman Ondák: Time Capsule, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
2011/12/10 - 2011/02/20   David Austen: End of Love, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
2013/11/30 - 2014/02/02   Eva Kotatkova: A Storyteller's Inadequacy, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford, Oxford

Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford

date of exhibition   exhibition title
1970/09/08 - 1970/09/27   Czechoslovak Graphics
1982/10/10 - 1982/11/28   Jan Svoboda: Fotografie
1984/10/07 - 1984/12/02   Jiří Kolář: Diary 1968
1990   Devětsil. The Czech Avant-Garde Art, Architecture and Design of the 1920s and the 1930s
1994/11/07 - 1994/01/09   Gary Hill: In Light of the Other
1998/04/05 - 1998/06/28   Mona Hatoum
1998/10/24   Mitja Tušek
1999/01/23 -   Willie Doherty: Somewhere Else
2009/12/12 - 2010/03/07   Pawel Althamer: Common Task
2010/06/22 - 2010/09/05   Howard Hodgkin: Time and place
2010/12/10 - 2011/02/20   Thomas Houseago: What Went Down
2011/03/12 - 2011/05/20   Roman Ondák: Time Capsule
2011/12/10 - 2011/02/20   David Austen: End of Love
2013/11/30 - 2014/02/02   Eva Kotatkova: A Storyteller's Inadequacy

Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle)
  1984   Jiří Kolář: Diary 1968
katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle)
  1970   Czechoslovak Graphics 1960-1970
  1990   Devětsil (Czech Avant-Garde Art, Architecture and Design of the 1920s and 30s)
  2007   Arrivals: Art from the New Europe
pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle)
  1993   Gary Hill: In Light of the Other
  2010   Howard Hodgkin: Time and place
  2010   Thomas Houseago: What Went Down
katalogová pozvánka autorská
  published   title (subtitle)
  1998   Mona Hatoum

Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford

person born note
Serota Nicholas 27. 4. 1946 1973 - 1976, ředitel
Stanley Michael 1975 2009 - 2012, ředitel
Wagstaff Sheena   ???? - ????

Museum of Modern Art, Oxford / Modern Art Oxford

podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle)
  1971   Organická inspirace Davida Shepherda