Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano)

* 31. 12. 1957, Moskva (Moscow), Rusko (Russian Fedaration)
Curator, art critic, art theorist


nationality: Russian
sex: male

NK AUT: jx20100119008

Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano)

Viktor Misiano acquired a Ph.Din the Theory of Art. For ten year he was a curator in The Pushkin State Museum, and for the past two years he has been the director of the ContemporaryArt Center (CAC) in Moscow.
He currently works as an art critic for national and internationalart magazines, including Moscow Art Magazine and Flash Art. He has been responsible for curating exhibitions of Russiancontemporary art in alternative spaces, galleries and museums inVienna, New York, Rome, Helsinki and elsewhere. He has published many articles on the subject of contemporaryRussian art, photography and art theory.

Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano)


Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano)

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
2013/09/17 - 2013/11/24   Reconstruction / Peкohстpукция 1990 - 2000 (Part I), The Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, Moskva (Moscow)
2014/01/23 - 2014/03/23   Reconstruction / Peкohстpукция 1990 - 2000 (Part II), The Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, Moskva (Moscow)

Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano)

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2013   Reconstruction / Peкohстpукция 1990 - 2000 (1), Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moskva (Moscow)
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2016   Access Moscow: The Art Life of a City Revealed 1990-2000, ArtGuide Editions / Artguide s.r.o, Praha 4
  2016   Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, ArtGuide Editions / Artguide s.r.o, Praha 4
  2017   Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, ArtGuide Editions / Artguide s.r.o, Praha 4
podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2016   Who is Who in Contemporary Art in Moscow, Access Moscow: The Art Life of a City Revealed 1990-2000, 68-117

Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano)

katalog autorský
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1988   Ерик Булатов / Erik Bulatov, Parkett Verlag, Curych (Zürich)
katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1996   Manifesta 1
  1999   After the Wall (Art and Culture in post-Comunist Europe), Moderna Museet, Stockholm
  2000   Arteast 2000+ (Umetnost Vzhodne Evrope v dialogu z Zahodom – Od 1960. let do danes / The Art of Eastern Europe in Dialogue with the West – From the 1960s to the Present), Moderna galerija, Lublaň (Ljubljana)
  2001   The Art of Eastern Europe (A Selection of Works for the International and National Collections of Moderna galerija Ljubljana), Folio Verlag, Vídeň (Wien)
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2006   East Art Map (Contemporary Art and Eastern Europe), Afterall, Londýn (London)
  2016   Access Moscow: The Art Life of a City Revealed 1990-2000, ArtGuide Editions / Artguide s.r.o, Praha 4
  2016   Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, ArtGuide Editions / Artguide s.r.o, Praha 4
  2017   Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, ArtGuide Editions / Artguide s.r.o, Praha 4
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2002   Primary Documents (A Sourcebook for Eastern and Central European Art since the 1950s), The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City (New York)
  2018   Art and Theory of Post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe (A Critical Anthology), The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City (New York)
  2019   The Sešit Reader (The First Ten Years of Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones 2007-2017), Vědecko-výzkumné pracoviště Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, Praha
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2010   Atlas of Transformation,, Praha
podřazený dokument
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  1990   Aside From, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 128
  2000   An Open Letter from Oleg Kulik, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 245
  2000   Response from Jan Åman, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 244
  2007   Interview s Victorem Mizianem, Umělec / Artist, 10-19
  2015   Viktor Misiano on Jannis Kounellis, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 93
  2016   Apartment Exhibition Revisited, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 169-170
  2016   Inteяpol: A Scandal ot an Event?, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 233-235
  2016   The Subcultural versus the Curatorial, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 97
  2017   It is the End? It is only the Beginning: A Time for Manifestos, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 19
  2017   New dark times, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 287-288
  2017   Progressive nostalgia, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 177
  2017   The invention of politics, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 235-237
  2017   The making of Moscow Art Magazine, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 7-15
  2017   The new system of art and new autonomy, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 133-135
  2017   The new system of art and the new autonomy, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 93-95
  2017   The Phenomenology of the Body, Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017, 59
  2019   Loyalty to Place. Loyalty to Community, The Sešit Reader, 23-26
  nedatováno   Soviet Art on the Road to a New Identity, Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996, 295-298

Viktor Alexandrovič Miziano (Misiano)

date of exhibition   exhibition title, place of exhibition
1996/06/09 - 1996/08/19   Manifesta 1, Rotterdam, Rotterdam
2015/05/09 - 2015/11/22   Ornamentalism. The Purvītis Prize. The Latvian Contemporary Art, Arsenale, Benátky (Venezia)