zdroj: https://www.lzinios.lt/lzinios/priedai/000191/597/MAIN_000x000.jpg

Nomeda Urbonas

* 1968, Kaunas (Kowno), Litva (Lithuania)
Visual Artist


sex: female

NK-2018/04 ne

Nomeda Urbonas

zdroj: https://www.lzinios.lt/lzinios/priedai/000191/597/MAIN_000x000.jpg

Nomeda Urbonas

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2002   Manifesta 4, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern - Ruit
  2007   Fluxus East (Fluxus-Netzwerke in Mittelosteuropa / Fluxus Networks in Central Eastern Europe), Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlín (Berlin)
  2009   Gender Check: Feminity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Kolín nad Rýnem (Köln)
  2024   Critical Infrastructures, Galerie VI PER, Praha 8