Leonhard Lapin
* 29. 12. 1947, Räpina, Estonsko (Estonia)
Architect, Artist, Litterateur, graphic artist, art theorist, Conceretist Artist
sex: male
Leonhard Lapin
from - to | school, city, faculty, specialization, professor |
1966 - 1971 | Eesti Kunstiakadeemia (Estonian Academy of Arts), Tallinn, architektura |
Leonhard Lapin
from - to | institution, city, notes |
1990 - 1995 | Eesti Kunstiakadeemia (Estonian Academy of Arts), Tallinn, Estonia pst 7, odborný asistent |
1992 - ???? | Maankäyttötieteiden laitos (Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics) Aalto-yliopisto (Aalto University), Espoo, Vaisalantie 8, odborný asistent |
1995 - ???? | Eesti Kunstiakadeemia (Estonian Academy of Arts), Tallinn, Estonia pst 7, profesor |
Leonhard Lapin
kolektivní | |
date of exhibition | exhibition title, place of exhibition |
1975/08/24 - 1975/10/05 | Kortárs müvészet magángyüjteményekben / Contemporary Art in private collections, Szent István Király Múzeum, Székesfehérvár |
1998/09/14 - 1998/10/15 | 2. mezinárodní trienále grafiky Praha '98, Praha, Praha |
2009/11/13 - 2010/02/14 | Gender Check: Rollenbilder in der Kunst Osteuropas / Feminity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, MUMOK - Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vídeň (Wien) |
2010/03/20 - 2010/06/13 | Płeć? Sprawdzam! Kobiecość i męskość w sztuce Europy Wschodniej / Gender Check: Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki (The Zachęta Gallery of Contemporary Art), Varšava (Warszawa) |
2023/01/20 - 2023/04/30 | Prognoos ja fantaasia: Piirideta arhitektuur 1960.–1980. aastatel / Forecast and Fantasy: Architecture Without Borders, 1960s–1980s, Eesti arhitektuurimuuseum (Estonian Museum of Architecture), Tallinn |
Leonhard Lapin
katalog kolektivní | ||
published | title (subtitle), publisher, city | |
1975 | Kortárs müvészet magángyüjteményekben / Contemporary Art in private collections, Radoslav Kratina: Objekty, Stanislav Zippe: Obrazy | |
1998 | Labyrint - 2. mezinárodní trienále grafiky Praha '98 / Labyrinth - 2nd International Triennial of Graphic Art Prague (Vize a interpretace mýtu v současné světové grafice / Vision and Interpretation of the Eternal Myth in Contemporary Printmaking) | |
2009 | Gender Check: Feminity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Kolín nad Rýnem (Köln) | |
podřazený dokument | ||
published | title (subtitle), publisher, city | |
2007 | Death in the New Town: Leonhard Lapin's City of the Living – City of the Dead, MIK: Meno istorija ir kritika / Art History & Criticism, 158-165 | |
plakát | ||
published | title (subtitle), publisher, city | |
1975 | Kortárs müvészet magángyüjteményekben, Szent István Király Múzeum, Székesfehérvár |