Maja Bajević

* 1967, Sarajevo, Bosna a Hercegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


sex: female

VIAF: 265859908

Maja Bajević

from - to   school, city, faculty, specialization, professor
???? - ????   Akademija likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo / Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo

Maja Bajević

katalog kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2001   Milano Europa 2000, Electa, Milán (Milano)
  2003   Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer (The 50th International Art Exhibition), Marsilio Editori, Benátky (Venezia)
  2007   Documenta 12, Taschen GmbH, Kolín nad Rýnem (Köln)
  2009   Gender Check: Feminity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Kolín nad Rýnem (Köln)
  2009   MuMo Opening (Katalog Opening / Catalogue Opening), Museum Montanelli (MuMo), Praha
  2009   Prague Biennale 4 / Prague Biennale Photo 1, Giancarlo Politi Editore SRL, Milán (Milano)
  2009   Wo-man Power
  2011   Central (artLab: Neue Kunst aus Mitteleuropa), Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vídeň (Wien)
  2015   All the World's Future: Biennale Arte 2015 / 56th International Art Exhibition (Exhibition), Marsilio Editori, Benátky (Venezia)
  2017   Kontakt: The Art Collection of Erste Group and ERSTE Foundation, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Kolín nad Rýnem (Köln)
  2017   Remember Lidice 1967-2017 (50 let Lidické sbírky umění / 50 Years of the Lidice Art Collection), Památník Lidice, Lidice (Kladno)
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2017   Performance art in Eastern Europe since 1960, Manchester University Press, Manchester
  2020   Central and Eastern European Art Since 1950, Thames & Hudson, Londýn (London)
pozvánka kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2009   MuMo Opening, Museum Montanelli (MuMo), Praha
informační leták / informace kolektivní
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2009   Prague Biennale 4 / Prague Biennale Photo 1
  2016   Důstojnost lidstva... / The Dignity of Man..., Dům umění města Brna, Brno (Brno-město)
tisková zpráva
  published   title (subtitle), publisher, city
  2014   Důstojnost lidstva..., Dům umění města Brna, Brno (Brno-město)